Meet Our Services




Standard Support Home Ltd is a social care provider with good quality of perfect accommodation in west mild land, London. We are dynamic and experienced provider of social care packages. We provide residential supported living accommodation which enables look after child and care leavers to be supported under the care of social services and subject to care act 2000 and all relevant act to live as independent as possible. We work actively with other professional’s pathway plans for every young person are placed with us before they turns 18.

Safeguarding Statement.

Here in standard support home ltd, we are committed to excellent services delivery to the young under our supervision and care that firmly in safeguarding and safe working practices for resolve conflict. We valued that in order to help young to achieve their lifetime dreams and aspiration, staff given training on a regular basis they are trained to provide a safe supportive environment. The process begins when they are been hired to uphold the company polices and procedure guiding the organisation.


Mission and Purpose.

  1. Provision of high quality accommodation.
  2. To work with young with challenges behaviour and their family.
  3. To promote young people independent in order for them to attain their self-esteem.
  4. To promote young people active involvement in community and life skills activities.
  5. To provide consistency and stability in young people in young people lives.
  6. To motivate, encourage and support young people in building their talents.
  7. Creating safe environment for young people with complex needs to express themselves and promote active involvement.
  8. Provision with high quality accommodation with important recreational equipment.
  9. To work with young people and other relevant agency involved in their care
  10. Provide qualified and trained support worker to engage in different activities.